The Daily Updates

Coming soon to Issue # 5 of ELM Magazine, The Nigerian Bombshell” Tracy Obonna

1 min read

Coming soon to Issue # 5 of ELM Magazine… Direct from Toronto & Miami…
TRACY OBONNA aka Nigerian Bombshell! 5ft., 7in….36B-26-42! (Booked by JayDee of 1208Models) [more…]

Interviews The Daily Updates

Exclusive interview with Tracy Obonna aka The Nigerian Bombshell (Spotlight Edition)

6 min read

Introduction: TRACY OBONNA (aka The Nigerian Bombshell) Toronto, Ontario/Miami, FL 5ft., 7in. 36B-26-42 Ethnicity…Nigerian TRACY’s Website… TRACY’s Twitter page… TRACY’s Facebook page… [more…]