30, Sep 2013
Iconik Images @iKandyByIconik presents Laurén Allure @LauREN_Allure in “Black 2 Piece”

Iconik man himself sent over some heat folks! Checkout model Lauren Allure laced in black as she collabs Iconik images. She’s pretty awesome… Photographer: Iconik Images Twitter: @iKandyByIconik Instagram: @iKandyByIconik Model: Laurén Allure Twitter: @LauREN_Allure Instagram: @LauREN_Allure

30, Sep 2013
Dope edit of the Day – Yves Nunez @YvesNunez1 image by @CEWileyStudios

With more to come presented by C.E. Wiley and 504Dymes Magazine checkout Fitness & Glamour Model Yves Nunez hot edit.. Follow Yves via twitter @YvesNunez1 and on instagram @ynunu1 Here some more dope edits previously featured here at wizsdailydose.com of Yves, enjoy!!

29, Sep 2013
Lexxi Rose @Liick_MyRosee featured in SmoothGirl Magazine

If you haven’t gotten ahold of the latest issue of Smooth Girl Magazine featuring the legend Jessica Kylie; here’s another dope spread your missing out on. Presenting model/dancer Lexi Rose residing of the ATL and she is one of the many standouts in this spectacular issue on newsstand now.. Beauty…

29, Sep 2013
NFL Game of the Week: Chabz @Chabziie (Patriots) vs Brooklyn @sincity_bk (Falcons) presented by @DynastySeries Jose Guerra

Checkout this weeks matchup presented by Dynastyseries.com NFL Game of the week featuring model Chabz reppin the (Patriots) vs Model Brooklyn reppin the (Falcons) images by Jose Guerra see more from this match featured at dynastyseries.com http://dynastyseries.com/dynastyseries-nfl-game-week-chabz-patriots-vs-brooklyn-falcons-jose-guerra/

29, Sep 2013
Film Maker Chris Krook @Chris_Krook presents “Moving Portrait” featuring @Lady_Natalie_ Lady Natalie

Checkout video footage of model Lady Natalie shooting with film maker Chris Krook for his “Moving Portrait” series.. She looks lovely.. You can follow Lady Natalie via twitter @Lady_Natalie_ she’s not on it often tho and you can check her out on instagram @Lady_natalie_ Chris Krook x Lady Natalie [Moving…