31, Oct 2013
Kendra LaChon @Saditytitty shoots with @TrippWall Photo presented by @theKollageKing

Name Kendra LaChon Location Houston, TX Ethnicity Black/White Measurements 36-24-35 Twitter: @Saditytitty IG: @_Saditytitty Checkout the latest web exclusives from H-Towns on Kendra LaChon shot by TrippWall Photo courtesy of the Kollage King Photog: Trippwall Photography IG @Nikon_Zo

31, Oct 2013
Shevon Bleu @ShevonBleu “Goldie” images by @InergeeStudios

Checkout the latest edits from Shevon Bleu collabing with Inergee Studios, the Gold 2 piece shoot.. Follow Shevon twitter @ShevonBleu and via instagram @ShevonBleu

30, Oct 2013
Senopa The FoXXX @SenopaTheFoXXX shot by @cewileystudios edit by @MrShawn_Darnell

Senopa The FoXXX twitter @SenopaTheFoXXX instagram @senopa Model & Actress Bookings: BookSenopa@GMail.com Shot by CE wiley & Edited by Shawn Darnell @ceoMrShawn_Darnell – ig As seen gracing the pages of Stunnaz magazine and coming soon to Straightt Stuntin checkout model Senopa images by Shawn Darnell

30, Oct 2013
Model Shakira Lynn @Shakira_Lynn shoots for @BareArmsMagazin shot by @TreagenPhoto

If you needed a reason to get ready for the release of Bararms Magazine checkout the latest sample for the folks at the publication courtesy of Treagen Photography hot up barearmsmagazine.com for more info Follow model Shakira via twitter @Shakira_Lynn

28, Oct 2013
504 Dymes featured in @CREDMAG Xtra shot by @CEWileyStudios

New CREDXTRA Tearsheets. Shot by CE Wiley @504dymesmagazine Edits by @ray36o Some of the many faces of 504 Dymes regime is gracing the pages of CRED Magazine Xtra all images shot by C.E. Wiley. Checkout the tearsheets below featuring models Melody Jai, Melody Quan, Sarah Keys, Yves Nunez, Karen Jael…