2014 @UrbanModelAward invades the ATL Live Aug 23 @UMAS2014 #letsgo
The Urban Model Awards is a unique annual red carpet awards show that recognizes and celebrates the success of urban models in the industry. These models have graced the covers of, and have been featured in magazines, music videos, fashion shows, movies, TV shows, etc. The UMAs are the only awards ceremony that acknowledges the accomplishments and hard work that these beautiful women have put in the year before and the UMA’S is determine to show the entire world how beautiful our industry is by creating a new fan base of people throughout the country that will continue to support these models careers.
We also have categories for magazines, photographers, make-up artists and much more, as they also play a major role in the success of these models.
After our very successful events in Washington, DC and Miami, FL, we have decided to move this year’s event to Atlanta, which is the home of many sexy models in the industry as well as celebrities, athletes, artists, etc.
This year, the UMAs will be hosted by ATL’s Radio Personality Jazzy McBee of STREETZ 94.5fm
Music by DJ Jay Tek of STREETS 94.5fm
LIVE performances by VEDO (from the Voice), R&B sensation Charles Reed, and songstress Bonita Jalane
For more information on this years urban model awards 2014 being held in the ATL click the link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-2014-urban-model-awards-595-north-event-center-in-atlanta-ga-tickets-12335711445
also visit urbanmodelawards.com