28, Oct 2014
Presenting Tresee @tresee “ink candy Selections” images by @b_classic_ent B. Classic Photo

Here’s a lovely discovery courtesy of B. Classic Photo, checkout aspiring model Tresee residing out of the DC area. Sexy ink candy For more info follow her on instagram @Tresee

28, Oct 2014
Presenting London Bugatti – Show Magazine Issue #27

London Bugatti PHOTOS BY: Sean Cummings, @SHOW_MAGAZINE HAIR & MAKEUP BY: Christian, @Christianthemua BOOKING INFO:: QueenLondonBugatti@gmail.com Visit: www.SHOWGirlzExclusive.com for exclusive images and video from this issue IM London Bugatti an exotic dancer & aspiring model ! What I want to accomplish in my lifetime … I want to be sexy,…

27, Oct 2014
Presenting Fitness model Amanda Ruller @Ruller2a images by @fftv1 Ramon Vincent

Name: Amanda Ruller Height: 5’1 Weight: 125lb Waist: 25 inches Size: Small, 0-2 Facebook: Facebook.com/amandaruller Twitter: @Ruller2a Instagram: @amandaruller Web: www.amandaruller.com Bio: I have an extreme passion for speed and power. I dedicated my university career to competing in CIS track and field for the University of Regina as a…

26, Oct 2014
Top Notch Chica @BlessedToBeMee shoots with @jayfkimagesinc Jay FK images

Here’s some dope edits of Model/video vixen Top Notch Chica collabing with Jay FK images. The assets is on full display folks! Follow her on instagram: @topnotchchica_ Twitter: @BlessedToBeMee

26, Oct 2014
Jhonni blaze – X – Photographer 713 – Assorted Portraits

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a write on Jhonnie Model/Dancer who been residing out of Houston, TX for awhile now. I just had to do a feature her work with Houston based photographer 713. Whether you seen their collabs on various sites like dynastyseries.com or instagram etc; I always…

25, Oct 2014
Stephanie Tejada @St‬ephanieTjada “SneakerVille” iCandy Series presented by @forty8pro

Forty8 Productions presents “Sneakerville” an Icandy Series featuring latina sensation Stephanie Tejada. Dope video footage. Checkout a new icandy style video which features the following sneakers: what the lebrons 11s,thunder 4s,laney 5s,fire red 5s,southbeach lebrons 11s, christmas lebrons 9-11,hero pack lebrons 11s,gama jordan 11s,cool grey 9s,& the eggplant penny posites.…

25, Oct 2014
Aidan Nycole @aidan.nycole is the Undercover Lover presented by @mixedmagazine

Aidan Nycole is the curvy sexy babe from Miami, Florida. Her spunky personality puts her in a league of her own. She has spent several years working in the glittery clubs in the Miami nightlife scene and just recently started to take a shot at modeling because so many people…