14, Oct 2014
Iesha Marie @Ieshamariee in Blackmen Magazine shot by @angelo_lumas Angelo Lumas

http://www.cutiecentral.com/iesha-marie-blackmen/ As seen gracing the pages of the latest Blackmen Magazine issue, urbanmodelaward winner Iesha Marie shot by Angelo Lumas scans courtesy of cutiecentral.com Follow Iesha via twitter @Ieshamariee and you can also find her on instagram @iesha_mariee

13, Oct 2014
@Butterflymodels @TJVIDZ presents Model 10 – September Top 10 Model Videos

Model 10 is a show looking at the top ten model videos of the month. Presented by @RachaelNaome here’s our run-down Stephannie Rao, Cat Washington, Khristine Monroe, Lena Chase, Kendra Kouture, Aisha Thalia, Ayisha Diaz, Kimmy Maxx, Adriana F. Velez, Dreamy Robinson, Dolly Castro, Khloe the Kome Up. 10. 01:24…

12, Oct 2014
Dolly Castro @missdollycastro shoots for Shredz A film by @Montoyaelduro Mike Montoya

DOLLY CASTRO x SHREDZ from dolly castro on Vimeo. If you needed some motivation to go work out, checkout this short but seductive promo film featuring sensational model Dolly Castro shooting for Shredz fitness courtesy of Mike Montoya. Damn it man!!! Follow Dolly via twitter @Missdollycastro and you can also…

11, Oct 2014
Brittany Renner @rennerbrittany American Hitchhiker presented by @KONSOLEKINGZ

Konsole Kingz launches a 10-week promotional contest for gamers who purchase the American Hitchhiker theme, exclusively in the PlayStation®Store. Atlanta, GA – October 9, 2014 – Picking up strangers has never looked so good. Starting Thursday, October 9th, Konsole Kingz (KKZ) will kick off a 10-week social media contest for…

11, Oct 2014
Nicki Minaj @nickiminaj shoots for L’Uomo Vogue Italia

Nicki Minaj went with the casual look for her latest spread to hit stands in L’Uomo Vogue Magazine Follow Nicki on instagram @nickiminaj

10, Oct 2014
Jenn Scott @jennscott5 featured in Show Magazine (Black Lingerie Issue 20)

JENN SCOTT PHOTOS BY: Sean Cummings, @SHOWMAGIG STYLIST: Karina Guerrero, @KariLexa HAIR BY: Al Ingram, @AlSexyHair MAKEUP BY: Angela January, @Angela_January Follow Jenn on twitter @jennscott5 and on instagram @officially_jennscott Who or what inspired you to become a model? I have a close group of friends and family that were…

10, Oct 2014
Presenting Ink Beauty Sophia Scandal @Sophiascandal courtesy of @cewileystudios

504Dymes Magazine & 504Dymes Inked Angels Magazine is proud to introduce our newest model Sophia Scandal. You will be seeing more of this inked beauty, so stay tuned!! Tweets by SophiaScandal http://instagram.com/sophiascandal Shot by Twitter – @cewileystudios Instagram – @504dymesmagazine