30, Jul 2016
99 Flavors Elite Magazine @99FlavorsElite available now! with Precious McKnight

99 Flavors Elite Magazine available now! with Precious McKnight and many more.. Issue description: 99 Flavors Elite magazine is a worldwide lifestyle magazine that focus on fashion, hair, beauty, health, entertainment, pop culture, current affair, premium men and women lingerie, women and men wear, luxury living, fine food, film, television,…

28, Jul 2016
Sarah Rose @theesarahrose – Show Magazine Black Lingerie 27

Sarah Rose PHOTOS BY: Sean Cummings, @SHOWMagazine_ GRAPHIC DESIGN: @cmkdesigns HAIR STYLIST: Al Ingram, @AlSexyHair MAKEUP ARTIST: Angela January, @Angela_January BOOKING INFO:: SarahRoseLV@gmail.com, Booking@ShatterBlok.com Visit: www.SHOWGirlzExclusive.com for exclusive images and video from this issue. BOOKING: SarahRoseLV@gmail.com, Booking@ShatterBlok.com INSTAGRAM: @Kitty_702 TWITTER: @theesarahrose REPRESENTATION: @ShatterBlok Hello my name is Sarah Rose a.k.a…

26, Jul 2016
Presenting Mo’Orea @moorea.moonbeam images by @alcolestudios

​Checkout model Mo’Orea @moorea.moonbeam • shot by @alcolestudios #alcolephotography • makeup & hair styled by @yourbeautyperfected

26, Jul 2016
Model Lux @iamgorgeouslux images by @j_alex photos 

Checkout 2 dope edits of model Lux courtesy of J Alex Photos 

24, Jul 2016
Presenting Raven @Raven_thatbaby images by @alcolestudios

The brotha the alcole stay shooting the thoroughbreds; checkout his latest offering to the web masses with model Raven in the sexy and seductive see through one piece. Definitely a must follow on instagram @raven_thatbaby makeup by @prettyblush • hair styled by @cassystyles

24, Jul 2016
Sexy Mornings: Brittany Hingle @bhingle presented by @Chris_Krook

Meeting and shooting sexy model Brittany Hingle on her trip to NYC was great…Enjoy! #SexyMornings Model: https://www.instagram.com/bhingle Filmed + Edited By: Chris Krook Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriskrook/ Tumblr: http://chriskrook.tumblr.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Chris_Krook

22, Jul 2016
Lavish Styles @thereallavishs #Allsummer16 images by @jayfkimages

​Courtesy of @jayfkimages  –  #allsummer16 #shoutout the beautiful Lavish Styles @thereallavishs #shotbyjayfk