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Twitter: @yvesNunez1
Instagram: yvesnunez_
Here’s a hot submission from C.E. Wiley as 504 Dymes presents Yves Nunez. She’s a sexy Fitness trainer and bangin latina model residing out of NYC but she’s reppin those damn Dallas Cowboys smh lol Yves is rockin it well folks..
She's thick & fine as ever…she's a true "stalion" to me, even if the pics do look overly photoshopped. I jus' wish that she was repin' the Falcons. PEACE!!!
Yves is gorgeous and these pics have been ruined due to the cartoonish photoshop. Yves has a killer body and beautiful skin, which you cant see her skin obviously. Everytime I see pics from this photographer, no matter who the model is, they look like drawings.