souljaboytellemtheshaderoom souljaboytellemtheshaderoom i was trying to get better shootss of you and i said that’s the #100 right here that im looking at #missionmoneyssshoot #sod_mgblingee #sodmoneygang #sod_mgfanpage trademarktrademark i think that this is just an f.r. e a.kyselection. i think that this were just my choice.
souljaboytellemtheshaderoom souljaboytellemtheshaderoom i was trying to get better shootss of you and i said that’s the #100 right here that im looking at #missionmoneyssshoot #sod_mgblingee #sodmoneygang #sod_mgfanpage trademarktrademark i think that this is just an f.r. e a.kyselection. i think that this were just my choice.