Alejandra Sosaa @SosaaAlejandra “Stars and Stripes” covers #504dymesmagazine by @cewileystudios
504Dymes is proud to present the 2018 “Stars and Stripes” Collectors Issue 44 pages of red, white, and blue “All American Dymes” like you’ve never seen before. Check out Cover models, Lauren Phillips, Sam Lowry, Alejandra Sosa, Aria Paige, Wendy Alcala and Valerie Yvonne gracing the double cover special collector’s editions.
Also featuring Dj Vybryant Vibes, T. Rose, Frida Platt, Dwondra G. and more lovely ladies. Patriotism never looked so good!
Special Edition Vol. 2
Cover Models:
Instagram: @alejandrasosaa__
Twitter: @SosaaAlejandra
Get your copy ->
Shot & Styled by 504Dymes Studio:
Twitter: @cewileystudios
Instagram: 504dymesmagazine
Snapchat: WorldWideDymes
Shoe’ssupplied by Wildly Cultivated
Instagram – @Wildly_Cultivated
Cover Designed By:
Magazine Layout By:
Richard “Mishaps” Flood
Instagram: @therichardflood
Twitter: therichardflood
Facebook: Richard Mishaps Flood