These two Brazilian Twins have Miami going crazy. Meet sisters Nadinne Bruno and Dana Bruno. They are both fitness models that live on South Beach. They love the same exact things. Staying fit, body sculpting, traveling, tanning, and partying. They surround themselves with the elite fitness people because for them it’s a way of life. They believe you are who you surround yourself with. They both have mountains of energy and positivity and push everything to the highest limits. They also take control of their own lives and don’t make any excuses. They both dabble in a little bit of modeling for swimsuit companies. They love to be in front of the camera to show off their hard work. The two are like a artistic masterpiece of curves and tattoos. They couldn’t wait to shoot for Mixed Magazine and brought some ultra sexy wild lingerie outfits that can be seen inside now. Click here to join now! – See more at:
Follow the lovely ladies on instagram @nadinne_doll @daninhalove
Brazil Twins – Dana & Nadinne @nadinne_doll @daninhalove presented by @mixedmagazine

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They’re sexy. PEACE!!!