C.E. Wiley @cewileystudios presents Egyptian Theme featuring @GiannaDowe Gianna Dowe
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Photography by C.E. Wiley Studios
twitter: @cewileystudios
instagram: 504dymesmagazine
facebook: www.facebook.com/504DymesMagazine
Tumblr: http://504dymesmagazine.tumblr.com
Modeling & Concepts by Gianna Dowe
twitter: @giannadowe
instagram GiannaDowe
facebook: Gianna Dowe
Bodyart and styling by Melvin James Filmworks
twitter: @melvinjames
instagram: Melvin James Filmworks
Egyptian theme is a nice idea for a photo photo shoot in my opinion, it works well with this young lady, makes her look sexy. PEACE!!!
Emily Georgianna Dowe
Great work from Melvin James and DAAMinc Magazine.