Would you check out the kaboose on this fresh face model named Chelsea Marie. She is from the NYC I don’t know how she was hiding this whooty but thankfully it made it’s way down to Miami so we could showcase all it’s glory to you. Chelsea is a new model brought on by Seven Talent Agency. Their recruiting process is bar none and always finds those diamonds in the ruff. We love Chelsea because she is excited to launch her career and enjoys every second. She loves to shoot and has already shot with some top photographers. We know that everyone will be dieing to photograph this pawg but yes we are the first to showcase and you are very welcome. Her photo/video shoot is in a class of it’s own. She releases the beast on us with dripping oil and some extreme booty shaking. Join now to watch it all go down by clicking here! – See more at: http://www.mixed-magazine.com/in-the-mix/chelsea-marie/#sthash.jq872iK0.dpuf
Chelsea Marie @_chelzmarie_ “In with the New, Out with Old” presented by @mixedmagazine

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A true PAWG if I ever saw one, not a bad looking face either. PEACE