Jess Molli is One Fly Honey! This half white/half nicaraguan model from Orlando, Florida has sparked major interest after her recent photoshoot with Miami Photographer Angelo Lumas. Her eye popping curves and extremely sensual face with big baby blue eyes has everybody wanting more and more. Molli is a real smooth mover and her subtle and sexy attributes give her amazing potential to be the next big star. She has a very sexy hip-hop style, in fact she is a very talented rapper. She has already made several catchy songs that can be found on google and is currently pursuing her music career as we speak. Her personality is very chill and sweet. Drama is not in her vocabulary. We always choose models that we believe have that certain “IT” factor and Jess Molli is that chick. Her photoshoot with Angelo Lumas was the perfect fit for her cover photoshoot for Mixed Magazine. See the full 10 minute exclusive behind-the-scenes video and photos inside our members section by clicking here! – See more at:
Follow Jess via twitter @Jessmolli and you can also find her on instagram @Jessmolli
Jess Molli @JessMolli “is One Fly Honey” presented by @mixedmagazine

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