Meet Chase ‘cashmere’ Clemmons images courtesy of LS Fotography
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Model: Chase ‘cashmere’ Clemmons
Age: 24
Height: 5’2
Location: ATL
twitter: @CASHmEreMODEL
Meet model Cashmere, promo eyecandy model residing out of the ATL and checkout her bangin photos shot by LS Photography. Read on to get alittle familiar with Model Chase Cashmere.
College student and experienced model in photography, promotion and videos. I have done photo shoots, videos, promotional work, foot modeling, print work and TV. Looking to network with photographers, hair stylist, and makeup artist to expand my portfolio.
Model Cashmere appears courtesy of Kisses Ent. AtL
Cute face & a "slim-sexy" body. PEACE!!!
Chase ‘cashmere’ Clemmons works for @KissesEntAtl can you please change this minor error.