Meet Ebony Wade aka Brownie @EbonyEWade images by Scott Renegade @curvscience
I’m Ebony EWade…but, most people call me “Brownie”. I’ve been modeling for 5 years, this last year & a half have been my most serious. Im more focused than i’ve ever been! It’s pretty hard to find a photographer that has the same goal as you, which it to get published. Luckily, I was sent a Angel by the name of RENEGADE one of the best i have worked with Curvscience has really stuck their neck out far as giving more Detroit Models and myself a chance that none of us most likely wouldn’t have gotten till later down the line. Im a hard worker , linking with great working with a photog thats working just as hard and sometimes harder to help your dream reach surface, and get you noticed is a blessing. Theres so much the world needs to see from me. Were far from done shout out to renegade keep making noise
Follow me on Instagram & Twitter: @EbonyEWade all shots done by renegade from @curvscience

A nice looking chocolate skinned lady. PEACE!!!