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I’m late with these but the lovely Portia Jenkins has been making the rounds amongst the web masses with her scans from the latest issue of Straight Stuntin on newsstands now.. Well deserved spread I must say. Shoutout to Portia for sending these over…. see more below and look out for Portia Jenkins in the new issue of Blackmen Magazine 40 on 40 on newstands now..!
portia is gorgeous her pics in blackmens 40/40 suck they dont even look like hers these are hot
she is bad damn i love me some portia
Goodgodamighty! Portia is one BADD motaskoota!
portia is such a natural beauty i was not feeling her photos in blackmens 40/40 not even looking like her shot out to straight stunin magazine for getting it right
portia is gorgeous from her scalp to her baby toe lol
I will say this I like these images better then the Blackmen spread. But, the Blackmen spread is cool except for maybe one image of her they should not of used.. all in all she dope!
portia is fine they lost me with those blackmens shots as bad as this women is those shots dont even look like portia and she only got 4 shots when busted broads got 6? i wont be buying blackmens again i am feeling these though