1, Oct 2023
Spotlight Edition: Introducing Brittany Dasani
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I’m a 25 year old professional in the television industry as well as a
part time model from the CT/NY area. I graduated from college with a
degree in video production and happen to be one of the lucky ones who
landed a job and truely enjoy what i do. I enjoy spending my down time
with my family and friends, eating, shopping, playing with my crazy
dog etc! 


Hennywiz: What’s up, Brittany?

Brittany: Hey there…

Hennywiz: Welcome to the Daily dose..
Brittany: Thank you for having me!

Hennywiz: Where are you from originally and what’s your ethnic background for
Brittany: I’m Italian and Portuguese

Hennywiz: What or who inspired you to begin career in modeling?
Brittany: A family friend sent my picture to an agency, got signed and pretty much went from

Hennywiz: Rundown some of the publications you been featured in?
Brittany: Vblazin, Maxim En Espanole, Lowrider and a handful of calendars and other online

Hennywiz: Have you done any screen features or television show appearances as of yet?

Brittany: Not yet. I’m definitely working on getting into videos this summer. I also have a possible feature in a reality show being filmed as we speak.

Hennywiz: You’ve taken some really nice photos. Is there a particular photographer you prefer to work with that brings out your creativity?

Brittany: I love me some Derick G! He’s an AMAZING photographer and a great friend. Felix Angel, JoRoFoto, Marquest (MQimagesinc)… I’m looking to expand though, I like working with different photographers.

Hennywiz: With all the photo shoots you’ve done so far, which ones have been your most memorable?
Brittany: Probably when I was in Mexico. I’ll never forget hiking through a jungle/waterfall for miles to get ” THE ” shot. I was soooo sick but it was so worth it!

Hennywiz: Overall, what has been your opinion of the modeling industry as a
Brittany: It differs. It depends on what your area of interest is within the industry. I keep myself in check because a lot of girls can get sucked in and start acting foolish to get where they ” need ” and want to be.

Hennywiz: Has modeling had any impact on your personal life?
Brittany: Yes… hugely.

Hennywiz: What are some of your long term goals as you continue to progress in
your career?
Brittany: Just to have fun. I’ve made great friends, have amazing memories and will be able to look back at it like ” If I never did all this, my life would probably have been real boring “!!!

Hennywiz: In this forever evolving business, new models emerge on a daily basis, what separate Brittany from your peers?

Brittany: I don’t give into peer pressure. What you see with me, is what you get. If I don’t want to
shoot naked, well that’s my prerogative. I don’t care if it could get me further. Like I’ve said before, I rather grind to where I want to be, than take the “easy” road.

Hennywiz: What has been some of the highlights of your career so far?

Brittany: Probably just meeting new people, visiting great places.

Hennywiz: Is acting a career path you are trying to pursue?

 Brittany: I’ve never thought too much about it, but I wouldn’t mind it.

Hennywiz: What would be a dream role for you?

Brittany: A dream role… that’s a good question. Probably some type of action role. Give me a gun and I’ll be good!

Hennywiz: What other interest do you have besides modeling?
Brittany: I actually work full-time for A&E, Biography, History channels, etc. Post production
and broadcast. So, that’s what I do all day everyday!

Hennywiz:  What are some of your hobbies?

Brittany:  Modeling, obviously! Being with my family and my friends, shopping. I love vacationing it’s such a guilty pleasure. Eating and sleeping!

Hennywiz: I got to get in your business now, Lol!! are you single or spoken for?

Brittany: I’m on the prowl!!!

Hennywiz: For a person to have a chance with you, what qualities must they have?

Brittany: To be themselves, I need honesty, confidence but not cockiness,  I like my guys rough around the edges but to have a genuine soft side as well. Someone who I can lay in bed with and not have to even speak…to just know what’s going on in each others minds.

Hennywiz: What is your preference, men or women?

Brittany: MEN!!!!!

Hennywiz: What advice do you have for someone that would like to approach you in

Brittany: I’m very friendly, so as long as you’re not a creeper come talk to me!

Hennywiz: What are some of the worst pick up lines you ever been hit with?

Brittany: I couldn’t even tell you. I’ve heard some outlandish, ish!

Hennywiz: What turns you on the most?

Brittany: Confidence, mammas boys, but like I said, someone rough around the edges and someone who has respect.

Hennywiz: What is an ultimate turn off for you?

Brittany: Men with no respect.

Hennywiz: Is there a closet freak in you or a casual romantic?

Brittany: I’m a good mix of both.  Just depends on my mood at the time.

Hennywiz: What would be the Ultimate sexual fantasy for you?
Brittany: …….. 😉

Hennywiz: What’s the most expensive gift you have bought a significant other?

Brittany: Gifts you mean! I’ve spent so much over the years.

Hennywiz: What is your favorite asset on you?

Brittany: My legs, butt, chest… feet, and eyes

Hennywiz: Give a description of a normal evening at home with you.
Brittany: Playing with my crazy dog. Relaxing, eating, watching movies… I’m also a big
online shopper, so I like to spend money while I’m home!

Hennywiz: Do you have any tattoos? If so where?

Brittany: Not yet, I’m debating still.

Hennywiz: Do you have a special hidden talent? If so, can you reveal it?
Brittany: Of course I do! But, we’ll leave that at that!

Hennywiz: What is one thing about yourself that tends to shock people once they
get to know your personality?
Brittany: I’m a comedian! I love making people laugh. I’m sarcastic at times, and I’m a huge dork!

Hennywiz: What are some of your guilty pleasures?

Brittany: TacoBell and McDonalds, vacationing, my bed… and other things I can’t speak on!!!!

Hennywiz: Name some things you couldn’t live without?

Brittany: My family, my animals, and food!!!

Hennywiz: What genre of music are you into?

Brittany: Hip-Hop and some R&B depending on my mood.

Hennywiz: What is your drink of choice to get you in the mood?
Brittany: Believe it or not, i’m not a big drinker. But when I’m out, it’s usually a b*tch
drink… Malibu Bay Breeze.

Hennywiz: What type of music do you prefer during a photoshoot?

Brittany: A good mix, Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop…

Hennywiz: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Brittany: Successful in my full-time career, hopefully married.

Hennywiz: What can we expect from you in the near future?

Brittany: My website Brittanydasani.com, Magazines, videos, mixtapes etc.

Hennywiz: What advice do you have for inspiring actors and models out there trying to break into the industry?

Brittany: To be yourself, hold your ground and don’t let the industry get to you.

Hennywiz: I really appreciate you taking the time to grant me this interview.
Anything you want to say to your fans out there?
Brittany: Thank you for having me! And to my supporters, thank you for the love and support, because
you all have been amazing thus far. My website is set to come out this summer Brittanydasani.com so definitely check that out.



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