Spotlight Edition: LeAndra Gonzalez "The Young ‘N’ Restless"
Spotlight Edition: LeAndra Gonzalez "The Young ‘N’ Restless"
18, Aug 2023
Spotlight Edition: LeAndra Gonzalez "The Young ‘N’ Restless"
Read Time:6 Minute, 57 Second
Young, Vibrant, incredibility sexy and thick in all the right places aswell as determine to make a name for herself in this industry. Get acquainted with LeAndra Gonzalez and enjoy the ride…. Bio: I’m very serious when it comes to my time. If I give you my time please make it worth its value! -> Its value is very very mucho =] I demand a CD after the shoot and let me make it clear that communication is one of the keys to success. Please make everything clear and lets try to keep plans as accurate as possible. Confirmation is required the day before the shoot. Lets have fun and capture great images that will help us all
Hennywiz – How are you doing today, Leandra?
Leandra – I’m doing great thanks for asking.
Hennywiz – First off, Welcome to the Daily dose..
Leandra – thank you =]
Hennywiz – Where are you from originally and what’s your ethnic background?
Leandra – I’m Hispanic born and raised in the Dominican Republic.
Hennywiz – What or who inspired you to begin career in modeling?
Leandra – I received inspiration from everywhere. Growing up watching music videos, movies…looking at magazines. Friends and family also had a huge impact on it.
Hennywiz – I know you’ve been featured recently in Lloyd Banks –Beama, benz and Bentley video f. Juelz Santana… how was your experience working on this video shoot?
Leandra – It was great..a lot of my homegirls were also a part of that video so it was loads of fun. I had a great time on set.
Hennywiz – Have done any screen features television show appearances as of yet?
Leandra – Not as of yet…but I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
Hennywiz – You’ve taken some amazing photos. The concepts behind them are really good; is there a particular photographer you prefer to work with that brings out your creativity? Leandra – I’ve been lucky to work with a lot of great photographers.. I won’t say I have preference because they are all great in their own ways.
Hennywiz – With all the photoshoots you’ve done so far, which ones have been your most memorable?
Leandra – My first photoshoot that I ever was outside so it was open to the public.. Everyone was standing around…I was a little nervous at first but I worked it!
Hennywiz -Have you been featured in any publications as of yet?
Leandra – No…But that’s in the makings as I type this interview =]
Hennywiz -What impact has modeling had on your personal life?
Leandra – My personal life is fairly the same..My schedule is a little corrupted but that’s always fun.
Hennywiz -Overall, what has been your opinion of the modeling industry as a whole?
Leandra – Its very challenging…and theres no time to be sensitive and take things personal.
Hennywiz -What are some of your long term goals as you continue to progress in your career?
Leandra – I would love to get into acting…host a TV show but long term I will love to see myself settled as an owner of a Modeling School/Agency for urban models. So they would be able to do things the legit way.
Hennywiz -What has been some of the highlights of your career so far?
Leandra – Beamer Benz or Bentley was a great look.
Hennywiz -Is acting a career path you are trying to pursue?
Leandra – Of course… im working on that and hopefully everything works out.
Hennywiz -What would be a dream role for you?
Leandra – If I could…it would be amazing to play my own life role. It’s been a struggle and I’m only 20. Would def. teach young females to be grateful for what they have because everyone isn’t as lucky.
Hennywiz -What other interest do you have besides modeling?
Leandra – Dancing
Hennywiz -I’ve read that you are a student, what school do you attend and what’s your major?
Leandra – I was attending BriarcliffeCollege majoring in Business Management,
Hennywiz -What are some of your hobbies?
Leandra – I love love to cook…and dance…travel and I have a thing for doing hair.
Hennywiz -Now let’s get personal, lol!! Do you have a significant other? If so, how does he or she feel about you acting and modeling?
Leandra – LOL hmmm…well I’m currently single..but I do have an interest in someone. That person is aware of my modeling career and he’s cool with it. I keep him updated with everything.
Hennywiz -What qualities do you look for when choosing a significant other?
Leandra – Honesty Loyalty and respect. It’s a must before anything.
Hennywiz -What is your preference, men or women?
Leandra – I love men…
Hennywiz -What advice do you have for someone that would like to approach you in public?
Leandra – Keep it simple. the less the better.
Hennywiz -What are some of the worst pick up lines you ever been hit with?
Leandra – I’ve heard them all. The worst is when a guy just talks and talks but doesn’t even introduce themselves. It’s like okay I don’t even know your name.
Hennywiz -What turns you on the most?
Leandra – A very focused man.
Hennywiz -What is an ultimate turn off for you?
Leandra – Just too much talking…showing off…i hate that!
Hennywiz -Is there an inner freak in you or a casual romantic?
Leandra – both…
Hennywiz -What would be the Ultimate sexual fantasy for you?
Leandra – I’m young so my sexual drive is growing…slowly…
Hennywiz -What’s the most expensive gift you have bought a significant other?
Leandra – Oh lord..I was so silly and young…I was like 17 and spent like $600 on a belt for someone who def. didnt deserves it.
Hennywiz -What part of your body are you most complimented on and what are your favorite on you?
Leandra – I receive a lot of compliments on my lips. I love everything on me..but my smile is my fav.
Hennywiz -Give a description of a normal evening at home with you.
Leandra – Cooking cleaning. music blasting.. phone ringing of the hook..maybe one of my girlfriends will be over..just hanging out…laughing!
Hennywiz -Do you have any tattoos? If so where?
Leandra – Yes I have a bunch..all back my hips I have a tiny one on my face as well, and other places.
Hennywiz -Do you have a special hidden talent? If so, can you reveal it?
Leandra – Yes I do..and its so special that only my special someone gets to experience sorry cant tell you!
Hennywiz -What is one thing about yourself that tends to shock people once they get to know you personally?
Leandra – Almost everyone is so suprised on how independent I am.
Hennywiz -What are some of your guilty pleasures?
Leandra – Going to the gym..and then stuffing my face right after…its SOOO bad…but It always happens.
Hennywiz -Name some things you couldn’t live without?
Leandra – I love RNB i care for hip hop reggae and Spanish music.
Hennywiz -Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Leandra – In 5 years I will be 25 years old and hopefully my career would be at its prime. I would def. love to also have completed or be in the process of completing my education.
Hennywiz -What can we expect from you in the near future?
Leandra – I will be in magazines you would def. see more of me on TV..including more videos..including trying to do it all.
Hennywiz -What advice do you have for inspiring actors and models out there trying to break into the industry?
Leandra – Its not easy you have to market yourself well. Things change plans change but you should never change…for the worse at least. Stay focused!
Hennywiz -I really appreciate you taking the time to grant me this interview. Anything you want to say to your fans out there?
Leandra – God bless all of you guys and thanks so much for all the love it really means a lot to me. Stay tuned =]