22, Oct 2023
Spotlight Edition: Sabrina Athena "Get acquainted"
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I must give a big shoutout to Nick Slay for bringing Sabrina Athena to my attention. I felt Sabrina was someone that definitely needed to be featured here at the Wiz’s Daily dose for here unique look and style. Sabrina is definitely worth getting acquainted with enjoy!!

Standing 5’11 and 160lbs, Sabrina (Athena) Hale is making her statuesque presence known on the modeling and entertainment scene. Hailing from Detroit Mi, she moved to New York in 2004 and signed with Click Model Management under the commercial plus division. Working as a plus model opened her eyes and mind to all aspects of the fashion industry. Wanting to further expand appreciation for modeling, she enrolled at Fashion Institute of Technology and was accepted into the Advertising and Marketing Communications program. While studying she continued to model, switching from Click to Fiorello Management under the commercial print division. Having bigger ideas for herself she parted ways with Fiorello and took her career into her own hands. She has since graced several fashion, urban, and tattoo, websites, magazines, radio and television mediums. Currently she is working with independent talent advisors and building her brand as a natural beauty, curves and all. “In summer 2010 we are looking forward to the release of my blog and website. I am very excited about the projects and collaborations that are coming up that will be posted” “I am eclectically fabulous and uniquely glamorous, an eccentric beauty am I” – Sabrina Athena
For booking info please contact BookSabrinaAthena@gmail.com



Hennywiz: How are you doing, Sabrina?
Sabrina Athena: HOT! It’s blazing out here in Brooklyn. Gotta love NY summers. 
Hennywiz: First off, it’s a pleasure to have you here at the Wizs Daily dose.
Sabrina Athena: Thanks for having me, the pleasure is mine. 
Hennywiz:Where are you originally from and what’s your ethnic background for starters?
Sabrina Athena:  I am from Detroit MI, and I am bi racial (african american and caucasion)
Hennywiz: What are your measurements?
Sabrina Athena: 34D-29-42
Hennywiz: What or who inspired you to begin a modeling career?
Sabrina Athena: When I was in middle school I started doing hair shows, as I got older my name became known and I was asked to do boutique fashion shows around the city. I had a teacher in high school (Ms. Montgomery) that encouraged me to take it to the next level. She taught me all of the ropes and I fell in love. 
Hennywiz: Rundown some of the publications you’ve been featured in. 
Sabrina Athena:Black Mens Mag, Urban Ink, Hype Hair, Jam Rock
Hennywiz: Congrats on being published in the new issue of Urban Ink.. 
Sabrina Athena: Thanks! It’s funny that I would book that, while I was signed to Click Model Management they warned me that tattoos would ruin my chances of becoming mainstream. Obviously I went against their advice and now I’ve booked one of the top tattoo magazines in the country. Take that!
Hennywiz: How many Tattoos do you have and where are they located? 
Sabrina Athena: I have two (technically). On my left calf I have Tinkerbell standing on the word Vibrance. The other (the peacock and lotus) spans the right side of my body from my bra line down to my hip and butt.
Hennywiz: Who are some of the photographers you’ve worked with to help create the brilliant photos you’ve taken?
Sabrina Athena: Ivan M. (bluprintid.com) and Jeremy Jennings are my main photographers. We have amazing chemistry and vision when it comes down to collaborating and producing a beautiful photo.  I also have to give it to my glam squad, my personal stylist Damara Altman-Hernandez and my hair and makeup artist Tia Wallace. Literally I have worked with hundreds of photographers all of which I can’t completely remember the names lol. But those are the two that I work with most recently and often. 
Hennywiz:With all the shoots you’ve done so far and there are many you’ve done, which ones have been your most memorable? 
Sabrina Athena: There have been a lot of memorable shoots. I have done shoots in junk yards, jumping off roofs, on Coney Island… in the water (yick). I would have to say my most memorable shoot wasn’t even of me. It was my birthday, 11.4.04 and I had just got back from doing a video in LA where I met Esther Baxter. She invited me to her eye candy of the year photo shoot with King Mag (the one that she is dripping in honey). That was the first major shoot I was on and able to observe one of the best conduct real business. She and I have been best friends since. 
Hennywiz: In this forever evolving business, new faces emerge by the minute. What separates Sabrina Athena from your peers?
Sabrina Athena: My reliability, and my natural beauty. This industry is evolving but not in the way in which people would think. Everybody wants to re master the master. I have my own unique sexiness that is 100% me. I don’t want to be the next anybody; I am the first and only Sabrina Athena. 
Hennywiz: Overall, what has been your opinion of the modeling industry? 
Sabrina Athena: I gotta plead the fifth on that one. Not enough space in the entire internet for my complete opinion on the modeling industry. HOWEVER I will say that we need to support young women and encourage them to feel beautiful the way the creator made them. Enough with the “enhancements”, enough with the booty shots, and the implants. The media is a monster that will eat your brains for breakfast if you leave it unattended. I’m with Erykah on this one, to death with group think. If we were able to just be independent thinkers we may have a more positive outlook on outward appearance. 
Hennywiz:Since getting into the entertainment industry; has it affected your personal life? 
Sabrina Athena: At first my friends from Detroit had thought I changed a bit. I come from a life that isn’t filled with vacations and big houses etc. Everything I came from is extremely humble, 2 br house 4 boys 3 girls dogs cats etc. So bringing back stories of hanging out with people that my friends only imagine being around was kind of tough. I had to be careful to not sound condescending or like I was bragging but in reality I just wanted to share. After a while I came into my own and learned that everybody has a place in life, especially within my personal life. Because I have such a diverse group of loved ones I realize they are not going to all blend. I just try to keep that in mind. I remember being sad about that and telling my mentor Paul Mooney about it. He turned and said “Well Sabrina… When you’ve seen Paris, who can blame you?”
Hennywiz: What are some of your long term goals as you continue to progress in your career? 
Sabrina Athena: First of all I would love to get the hell out of college one of these days *rolls eyes*. That is in progress and I am excited to say I will be done VERY soon! I am very interested in becoming active in fund raisers and volunteer work with all of the catastrophic disasters around us. As far as long term I plan to have my own organizations focusing on the development of young women from urban areas (similar to the neighborhood I came from).
Hennywiz: What has been some of the highlights of your career? 
Sabrina Athena: The first thing that comes to mind is my feature on S.A.S’s new album “Galaxy Fly”. I am good friends with Mega and Mayhem and they asked me to write a piece as an outro for the album. I feel as though I have many highlights that are still to come. I have been working diligently for some time to prepare myself as a brand, not just a model. Now the work and attention is coming in I have my chance to really shine. 
Hennywiz: What other interest do you have besides modeling?
Sabrina Athena: I love to cook and travel. I am big on family so hanging out with my close friends is always amazing and relaxing for me. I am blessed to have my God son in my life (thanks to his mom moving back! Yay!) So I spend as much time as I can being around him. I want some of my own one day, till then, I’ll just kidnap Caiden. 
Hennywiz: Are you bound for the big screen? Is acting in your plans? 
Sabrina Athena: Every model should be looking to acting, hosting, all of the above as their next move! I am going in that direction, testing the waters. 
Hennywiz: What would be a dream role for Sabrina Athena? 
Sabrina Athena: Play lead in Tyra Banks story. I know I don’t look THAT much like her but maybe if I tan a little bit lol.
Hennywiz:I’m about to get in your business now, lol!! Are you dating anyone now, if so how does the lucky person feel about your career choice in modeling? 
Sabrina Athena: I wouldn’t say I have a boy friend; I do have a friend boy though. I’m officially dating anybody at the moment. I had a bad break up over the holidays but I think I am ready to get out there and try again. My last boyfriend was supportive of my career decisions; in fact he was one of my biggest enthusiasts. That aspect of our relationship was fine. The current friend boy is also very supportive.
Hennywiz: What qualities do you look for when choosing a significant? 
Sabrina Athena: I am big on matching my personality and having a leader by my side. I love a man with a sense of humor, I love to laugh. I guess you could say I am attracted to the strong yet sentimental type. I like a man to challenge me and push me to become a better woman and vice versa. I know I have a lot to accomplish while I am here, so I need someone that is more of a team mate then a yes man.  
Hennywiz: I want to assume your preference is men or is it women too.
Sabrina Athena: :BBM blank face:
Hennywiz: What advice do you have for someone that would like to approach you in public? 
Sabrina Athena: When I see this question I think to myself…. Why do guys say things like “YO MA!!” or “GOD BLESS YOU MAMI” or even better “PPPPSSSTTTT!!!! AY…. YO YOU SEXCII”. Come on men we gotta do much better than that nonsense! Who does that work on!? That’s really who needs to be corrected. Stop responding to the nonsense and they will stop! Ok enough of my rant. I like to think that I am approachable and not intimidating but I have been told the complete opposite. I don’t bite, I’m not generally mean, just say hi and take it from there. Be yourself, that’s the best you can ever do. 
Hennywiz: What are some of the worst pick up lines you ever been hit with? 
Sabrina Athena: Damn you pretty….. for a tall girl! smh. 
Hennywiz: What turns you on the most?  
Sabrina Athena: Personal style and confidence. I love to meet a man that is dressed to match his personality and is confident in whom he is. I love a nice welcoming smile and a family oriented background. Height doesn’t hurt either.
Hennywiz:What is an ultimate turn off for you?
Sabrina Athena: Stubborn ways. I love to try new things, I am super spontaneous, and I have a blast! I want you to have fun with me, so why not just cut the crap and bring ya ass?
Hennywiz: Do you consider yourself a casual romantic or a super freak?
Sabrina Athena: Depends on the day. If you are in a relationship you kind of have to switch that up every now and again. Too much of either one can get boring. 
Hennywiz: What is your ultimate sexual fantasy? 
Sabrina Athena: (um… is my mom reading this? lol) I want to walk in one day to all the cheezy gay romantic stuff. I mean rose pedals candels dinner with my favorite wine (German Resling), dope music, all of that. In my fantasy we are at a ski lodge or an island resort etc and everything is just set up for me to indulge.
Hennywiz:What part of your body are you most complimented on and what is your favorite asset(s) on you? 
Sabrina Athena: My eyes are the most complimented. I would say my favorite is my legs. I love wearing short skirts and shorts with heels to show them off (tastefully of course)
Hennywiz:Give a description of a normal evening at home with you.
Sabrina Athena: I am super simple. I get home; put the keys in the key cup and figure out what I am going to eat. I usually eat dinner and look over emails or watch a documentary then pass out. Often I will pull out my poetry sketch book and work on some ideas. 
Hennywiz: How would you describe your fashion style?
Sabrina Athena: I gotta be honest, I just BBM’d my cousin, my best friend and another friend this question and they all said exactly what I came up with.. I don’t know. My style is just me, I have been told “only you could have pulled that off” several times. I love color; I always have on something bright somewhere on me. People have placed bets on how many colors I am going to show up wearing lol. I don’t believe everything has to match, but if it blends then we have something special and unique. I love glass and rainbow gem jewelry. Accessories make each one of my outfits what they are. 
Hennywiz:What genre of music are you into?
Sabrina Athena:  Mainly soul and R&B. I get in to a little of everything though, my Ipod is the most eclectic many of my friends have ever seen. My mother introduced me to Janis Joplin and Jimmi Hendrix, my dad introduced me to Earth Wind and Fire and P Funk. I listened to country in Texas and REAL hip hop in Brooklyn. I am really all over the place 
Hennywiz: What’s your mood music during a photoshoot?
Sabrina Athena:That depends on the concept and what emotion I am supposed to be conveying for the concept. Every song has a different mood, every shoot does too. 
Hennywiz: Drink of choice to get you going?
Sabrina Athena: Iced coffee lots of cream lots of sugar. I like it light and sweet like me:-D
Hennywiz: What is one thing about yourself that tends to shock people once they get to know you personally?
Sabrina Athena: A lot of people get shocked that I can really cook when they taste my food lol. A few weeks ago my bestie and I had a wing off, basically to see who could cook the best chicken wings. I mean we set up rules and judges and everything! The wing off ended in a tie, mind you she is notorious for givin ninjas the itus and having them wake up licking their chops. I went into the comp the under dog and everybody had to give me my props after. POW!
Hennywiz: What is your guilty pleasure?
Sabrina Athena: Sleeppppppp. Sometimes I sleep entirely tooo much! But when I am on super grind mode people tell me that I don’t get enough sleep. I have to find balance with that. 
Hennywiz: Name some things you couldn’t live without?
Sabrina Athena: My mom. She calls me every morning at btw 7-8am to say good morning. I don’t know what I would do with out her positivity in my life.  I don’t know what I would do with out my black berry, probably go nuts.
Hennywiz: What can we expect from you in the near future?
Sabrina Athena: My website is in production as we speak. That should be launching very soon. I am also building a few shoots for this summer to go into a few more publications and expanding my visibility as a brand. 
Hennywiz:Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Sabrina Athena: Career wise be solidified within a hosting position or in films (maybe both). On a personal level possibly married with a child (I’m getting old ya know lol)
Hennywiz: What advice do you have for inspiring models out there trying to break into the industry?
Sabrina Athena: Research the successful trailblazers that paved the way and follow their advice, avoid their mistakes, and make yourself uniquely set apart from what people are currently doing. Nobody ever became an icon by following a set blue print. To reach iconic status one must take iconic risks and make iconic decisions and push the agenda of the brand. Be yourself, nobody has EVER seen you before, how amazing is that?!
Hennywiz:I really appreciate you taking the time to grant me this interview. Anything you want to say to your fans out there?

Sabrina Athena: Thank you for all of the support, seriously. I have heard it before from this star or that athlete and never understood what they meant. You really do keep me going. I am going to give it all back, just wait. 




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