T h e P E R F O R M E R A Film Portrait starring DANNY J @1stClass007 presented by @ELPVsT
Model Danny J stars in A Film Short “The Performer” presented by E.L. Jones
Strong / Delicate / Devoted / Passionate
Danny J is just doing what comes naturally.
Checkout new video footage model Danny J collabing with film maker E.L. Jones “The Performer”. Read more below.
The particular film project (which I coined as being a “film portrait”) is titled The PERFORMER. It stars urban model & performer Danny J. Danny J has been featured in and on the cover of several Straight Stuntin Magazine Editions (1st & 25th Editions) and the “Wifey Material” Calendar. Danny J also graced the pages of Summerbunnies Calendars, Smooth Magazine Rookie Issue #15, and she was featured in French Montana’s 2013 “Tic Toc” music video.
Follow Danny J via twitter @1stClass007 and you can also find her on instagram @DannyJTheOne
T h e P E R F O R M E R from People vs. Time Film Group on Vimeo.
She has “stallion type” butt & thighs…nice. PEACE!!!