11, Mar 2012
1208 Models presents Yasmeen Sincere

YASMEEN SINCERE Las Vegas, NV 5ft., 3in. 34D-24-39 Introducing YASMEEN SINCERE WEBSITE INTERVIEWS & PROFILES YASMEEN SINCERE…XXL.Mag.com Xmas Feature (12/23/11) www.xxlmag.com/eye-candy/2011/12/yasmeen-sincere-all-i-want-for-christmas-is-eye-candy-treat/ Follow YASMEEN on Twitter… www.twitter.com/Yasmeen_Sincere To book YASMEEN SINCERE, contact JayDee at 1208Models@gmail.com

16, Feb 2012
KEANI COCHELLE…CRED Xclusive Magazine feature (tearsheets & cover)

Here are pics of cover girl and main 1208Model KEANI COCHELLE from her spread in the new issue of CRED Xclusive Magazine! Get your copy NOW! Here is the link to order CRED Xclusive Magazine… http://www.credxtra.com/order2.htm Follow KEANI on Twitter… www.twitter.com/Keani_Cochelle Follow KEANI on facebook… www.facebook.com/KeaniCochelle Make sure you check…

15, Feb 2012
Samantha Lee is Jet Magazines Beauty of the Week

Congrats to 1208Model SAMANTHA LEE on being selected JET Magazine Beauty of the Week! Look for SAMANTHA on p.47 in the current issue of JET, with Spike Lee on the cover… SAMANTHA LEE…San Diego, CA 5ft.,4in. 34B-28-40 www.twitter.com/MzSamLee To book SAMANTHA LEE, contact JayDee at 1208Models@gmail.com … SERIOUS PAID INQUIRIES…

4, Feb 2012
Keani Cochelle covers STUNNAZ Magazine 2012 Valentine’s Issue!

Here is the new STUNNAZ Magazine 2012 Valentine’s Issue cover featuring main 1208Model KEANI COCHELLE! Look for KEANI’s sexy 14-page spread in this special Issue of STUNNAZ Magazine, available nationwide in about a week… Follow KEANI on Facebook & Twitter! www.facebook.com/KeaniCochelle www.twitter.com/keani_cochelle Check out KEANI’s website and store! www.OfficialKeaniCochelle.com www.OfficialKeaniCochelle.com/blog/store…

28, Jan 2012
1208 Models present Cartiss Brown (Showcase Part 1) images by VXN Studios

This is the first of several sets of images featuring Model/ actress Cartiss Brown appearing courtesy of 1208 models shoutout to Jaydee. Get familiar with her below.. First set of images courtesy of VXN Studios CARTISS BROWN…MIAMI, FL 5ft., 7in. 34-27-41 CARTISS on Twitter… www.twitter.com/CartissBrown CARTISS’s Website… www.CartissBrown.com To book…

19, Jan 2012
Keani Cochelle… BTS pic from Hips on Deck Magazine/VALENTINE’S Issue Photoshoot!

Here’s a behind-the-scenes pic of main 1208Model KEANI COCHELLE from the HIPS ON DECK MAGAZINE/Valentine Issue Photoshoot in Los Angeles…Look for KEANI and her sexy H.O.D. spread in mid-February! Big thanks to photographer Good Knews and Branton Sherman of H.O.D. KEANI BTS pic courtesy of Lars Young Photography. Checkout Hips…

15, Jan 2012
1208 Models presents Samantha Lee

Checkout the Jay Dee of 1208 Models latest discovery, Meet Samantha Lee and checkout her credentials below: SAMANTHA LEE…San Diego, CA 5ft.,4in. 34B-28-40 SAMANTHA ON Twitter… www.twitter.com/MzSamLee To book SAMANTHA LEE, contact JayDee at 1208Models@gmail.com Film Beatdown (Short)…Co-Star TV KUSI (San Diego, CA)….Various Morning news segments (Featured Model) Fox/Bravo…News segment…