5, Dec 2014
Brooke Tatum @br24ke featured in Show Magazine Issue 27

PHOTOS BY: Sean Cummings, @SHOW_MAGAZINE DESIGNED BY: Chris Kelly, @goonrillabullyboy HAIR & MAKEUP BY: Angela January, @Angela_January BOOKING INFO:: BrookeTatum@aol.com Visit: www.SHOWGirlzExclusive.com for exclusive images and video from this issue. Skin In life were given a canvas, our bodies. To choose what you want to do with it and make…

7, May 2014
Brooke Tatum @br24keb “in Black Lingerie” featured in Show Magazine Issue #19

Brooke Tatum  Photos by Christian Arias, slickforce.com  Hair by: Al Ingram, @AlSexyHair  Makeup by: Melina Ruiz, @BeautybyMelina  Styling by: Karina Guerrero, @Karilexa  Visit www.SHOWGirlzExclusive.com for exclusive images and video.  Where to start… Well I guess the obvious choice would be how I got here, in this magazine. It all started with this infatuation…