27, Dec 2013
#ClassicMaterial: Model Chabz @Chabziie @chabz_ courtesy of @KingofCurves @MJFlix

Checkout these sexy throwback edits featuring model Chabz from NYC shot by MJ Flix. She blond now, but the burgundy look was working! Follow her on twitter @Chabziie also check her out on instagram @chabz_ Check more at flixnetwork.com

29, Sep 2013
NFL Game of the Week: Chabz @Chabziie (Patriots) vs Brooklyn @sincity_bk (Falcons) presented by @DynastySeries Jose Guerra

Checkout this weeks matchup presented by Dynastyseries.com NFL Game of the week featuring model Chabz reppin the (Patriots) vs Model Brooklyn reppin the (Falcons) images by Jose Guerra see more from this match featured at dynastyseries.com http://dynastyseries.com/dynastyseries-nfl-game-week-chabz-patriots-vs-brooklyn-falcons-jose-guerra/