Available now! @clxmag vol. 2 with the @iamyanessa @realbeccabanks shot by @stephon.lundon
Available now! @clxmag vol. 2 with cover models Becca Banks, Robyn Travese and Yanessa presented by shygirl magazine shot by @stephon.lundon
Available now! @clxmag vol. 2 with cover models Becca Banks, Robyn Travese and Yanessa presented by shygirl magazine shot by @stephon.lundon
As seen gracing the pages of CLX Magazine checkout model/actress Nelz presented by shygirl magazine The ShyGirl Brand Presents @CLXMag V.2 Dropping | April 4 | With Your Girl Nelz Featured Inside Photographer | @stephon.lundon #TeamShyGirl #StayTuned
Checkout Yolie Monroe on the cover of CLX Magazine plus extras presented by ShyGirl Magazine Volume 1 available now! Visit shygirlmagzine.com for more information Follow her on instagram @yoliemonroe and twitter @yoliemonroe1
Checkout Angel Cruz aka karmela sweetz on the cover of CLX Magazine presented by ShyGirl Magazine Volume 1 – Drops Weds. April 1