12, Sep 2011
Esquire Unigue’s "NFL Eyecandy hitlist" featuring Madame Tiffany

Here’s another dope feature presentation at The Wiz’s Daily Dose credits to Esquire unigue for the concept. “NFL Eyecandy Hitlist” congrats to the first finalist Madame Tiffany. She one the Packers vs Saints bet and she is dope! Madame Tiffany aka American Super Star is a Milwaukee Native with a…

11, Sep 2011
Esquire Unique’s "Eyecandy Deluxe Hitlist" featuring Model Kakeya

Esquire Unigue found a raw gem right here! Checkout aspiring model and also the Chief Marketing Director of www.webleedhiphop.com and Wair Radio. She is also an on air personality for WairRadio.com.Congrats to for making Esquire Unigue’s Eyecandy Deluxe Hitlist” Follow Kakeya on twitter.com @i_am_1derwoman Lookout for more of her featured in…

9, Sep 2011
"Asian Persausion" Esquire Unique’s "Eyecandy Deluxe Hitlist" featuring Model China Dolle

Congrats to today’s winner of Esquire Unigues “Eyecandy Deluxe Hitlist” China Dolle!! continue to read on to get familiar with this lovely gem… With my unique exotic looks people started calling me Chinadolle and I kinna stuck with it. I tried modeling a shot and so far so good. Now…

6, Sep 2011
Esquire Unique’s "Eyecandy Deluxe" featuring Model Kelly Hart

Checkout the first of many installments of Esquire Unique’s “Eyecandy Deluxe” featured at The Wizs Daily Dose. First up, checkout model Kelly Hart courtesy of Esquire Unique and Stilettotalk Magazine Heres the future beauties u will see on @stilettotalkmag.com make sure u make @stilletotalkmag your model music&fashion outlet