21, May 2013
Laura Doré @LauraDore Sexy Mechanic presented by @KonsoleKingz

Tune up your console with this racing inspired theme from this hottest mechanic you will ever see, Laura Doré. This dynamic theme comes with 8 auto-rotating photos along with custom sounds and icons. Download it today in the PlayStation Store. Laura Doré is a celebrity fetish and glamour model who…

16, Dec 2012
Download Tehmeena Afzal @MissMeena Theme On Your PS3 Now!!! courtesy of @KonsoleKingz

************GET TEHMEENA ON YOUR PS3************ Tehmeena Afzal is the sexiest beauty to hit the sand. Konsole Kingz serve up her hot looks to heat up your PlayStation console. This sporty dynamic theme comes with 11 auto-rotating, zooming photos and custom icons. DOWNLOAD MY 11 PHOTO DYNAMIC THEME ON YOUR PLAYSTATION…

1, Oct 2012
Konsole Kingz Invites You To See The Magic; New Ps3 Theme W/Atl’s Infamous Magic City Dancers

The Kingz & the City join forces to make it rain a little magic for PlayStation3 users. Konsole Kingz (KKZ) is bringing a few curvaceous ladies of Atlanta’s legendary gentleman’s clubMagic City to the privacy of your own PS3 gaming console with 8 skintastic images of the finest talent the…

21, Mar 2012
Konsole Kingz presents Bria Myles & Candice Stevenson “iCandy in HD” for PS3 (BTS Video)

Recently, two of the hottest video vixens doubled up with Konsole Kingz (KKZ) to bring you two Special Dynamic Themes for PlayStation 3. While Bria Myles trains as Ms. Croft, Candice Stevenson prepares in the ring. Bria may be well known for her music video appearances in Kanye West and Rhymefest’s…