28, Oct 2013
504 Dymes featured in @CREDMAG Xtra shot by @CEWileyStudios

New CREDXTRA Tearsheets. Shot by CE Wiley @504dymesmagazine Edits by @ray36o Some of the many faces of 504 Dymes regime is gracing the pages of CRED Magazine Xtra all images shot by C.E. Wiley. Checkout the tearsheets below featuring models Melody Jai, Melody Quan, Sarah Keys, Yves Nunez, Karen Jael…

16, Mar 2012
J Nykol “Tunnel Vision” courtesy of Inergee Studios

I was looking forward to this feature.. Checkout inergee studios latest offering to the web masses J Nykol is a stunning new comer that is looking to make her mark the game folks and from the looks of these images I definitely hope soooo! See more below… Stay up to…