3, Mar 2022
Snow Bunny with Cia @cia_annalee photos by Jam X

Images by @iamphotobyjamx with the amazing @cia_annalee the snow bunny shoot. She’s a cutie

26, Jun 2016
Elizabeth Ruiz @elizabethruizxo – Flashing Lights images by Jam-X

From Photographer Jam-X and DynastySeries, we bring you the debut of our latest series “Flashing Lights,” our first series shot entirely on the West Coast and features our own Elizabeth Ruiz. MUA: AMBER AVERY @MUAAMBER HAIR: KING DRAYA @KING_DRAYA

7, Feb 2016
Jasmine Monroe @jasminemonroe_ Superbowl 50 x Denver Broncos – Jam-X

Jasmine Monroe was the only one to rock out for the underdog Denver Broncos. Since I know more than a few Broncos are fans of the site maybe that’s just the extra motivation they needed. See more at: http://dynastyseries.com/jasmine-monroe-jasminemonroe_-superbowl-50-x-carolina-panthers-jam-x/#sthash.yH7q6hk8.dpuf MODEL: Jasmine Monroe @jasminemonroe_ PHOTOGRAPHER: @PHOTOBYJAMX

5, Feb 2016
Star @LUCKYLITTLESTAR: Superbowl 50 x Carolina Panthers – Jam-X

Superbowl 50 comes this Sunday with the AFC Champion Denver Broncos versus the NFC Champion Carolina Panthers. Most are predicting the Panthers in a rout, but you know know what can happen on Superbowl Sunday. If they could both lose I’d be fine with that, but I’m a downtrodden Eagles…