Janet Lissette @JanetLissette @WJMODELS “Dear Santa” images by @davidblazze Blazzin Pix
Seasons Greetings from Janet Lissette and WJ models “Dear Santa” images by Blazzin Pix Shouts to WJ models for the dope submission. Follow Janet on [more…]
Seasons Greetings from Janet Lissette and WJ models “Dear Santa” images by Blazzin Pix Shouts to WJ models for the dope submission. Follow Janet on [more…]
Checkout 2 dope edits of model Janet Lissette shot by Blackstar Photography. Throwback photos. Follow Janet via instagram @janet_lissette
Checkout edits of Janet Lissette from her recent shoot with David Blazze for Blazzin Pix Photography “in red lingerie”. looking adorable as usual….. Follow Janette [more…]
Checkout the sexy photos of the forever sexy Janet Lissette from a shoot she did with David Blazze for Blazzin Pix Photo. Loungin by the [more…]
Check Out Some Behind The Scene Photos From @Janetlissette Latest Shoot Look Out For The Official Photos Coming Soon! Shot By @Linkzphoto http://elmmagz.com/2013/06/28/janetlissette/ Follow Janette [more…]