Patricia Hazell Topless images by Leon Dash
If you are not following model Patricia Hazell on IG, here’s alittle sample of what you are missing. Peep these topless images shot by Leon Dash make-up by Bina Babic
If you are not following model Patricia Hazell on IG, here’s alittle sample of what you are missing. Peep these topless images shot by Leon Dash make-up by Bina Babic
Peep Latin beauty Christine poolside as she collabs with photographer Leon Dash She is a must follow on instagram @christinebabygg ——? @leondash
She so seductive and sexy…. peep model Cuban Marie collabing with photographer Leon Dash and the one-piece is mean! MUA: @ginanicole._ Skin by @luxury_retouch Follow them on instagram @cubanamarie @leondash
If you ever get a chance to meet the adorable Sayany in person, you are in for treat… She’s amazing and her images speak it’s self.. Follow her on instagram and you can catch her at Starlets NYC startending!!!!
Peep these 2 dope edits of the adorable Syn Diaz shot by Leon Dash Model @syndazee Makeup: @mariposamakeup
Checkout latest edition to the WDD Galla featuring model/reality and hiphop artist Dreamdoll you can also catch startending at Starlets and other exotic establishments. Dreamdoll is best know for appearing on the sixteenth season of the hit series Bad Girls Club. She later joined the cast of VH1’s Love &…
The forever sexy Ayisha Diaz collabs with Leon Dash and she definitely did not disappoint. Peep the mean red 2 piece she’s posing in… follow her on instagram @ayishadiaz [iscwp-slider username="ayishadiaz"]