26, Jul 2015
Lia Leigh @lialeigh “Mean Black 2 Piece” images by @inergeestudios

Checkout this dope submission from inergee studios featuring model Lia Leigh residing out of Charlotte, NC.. I need to get more familiar with her but you can follow Lia on twitter @lialeigh and you can find her on instagram @lialeigh

16, Apr 2013
Presenting Model Lia Leigh @IamLeigh_ images by @cclarkfotos C Clark Fotography

Checkout a nice aspiring talent, presenting Model Lia Leigh and she collabed with C Clark Fotography. Lia was definitely in good hands working with him. I’m hoping to see alot more from her in 2013 and beyond. On display unedit pictures and one final version Follow Lia Leigh via twitter…