Maliah Michel The Rooftop – images by Jose Guerra
Courtesy of From the vault on the rooftop peep the lovely Maliah Michel shooting with Jose Guerra. See more here… Follow them on instagram @maliah_michel x @mr_guerra
Courtesy of From the vault on the rooftop peep the lovely Maliah Michel shooting with Jose Guerra. See more here… Follow them on instagram @maliah_michel x @mr_guerra
One of finest specimens to grace fer presence here at the Wiz’s Daily dose took some shots for check them out, enjoy!!!
Here’s some more blazin Maliah Michel this evening.. She always knows how to bring her a game in her photos. God bless her!!!
Some Maliah Michel what more can I say, but my lawd!!! checkout my past interview with Maliah here....
props to Rashad over at the messageboard.. Maliah Michel is featured here at the Wiz’s Daily dose checkout the Spotlight section
ok I understand easter was 4 days ago, but whose counting!!! Maliah is the truth my lawd!!!
I must apologize for being late with these, I know its been posted everywhere. but i just had to do it.. my goodness to good Lawd!! The “Chocolate invasion” continues!!