21, Apr 2013
Model Samareua aka @_mssammie shoots with WM Photography

Checkout some hot pics of newcomer Sammie from her shoot with WM Photography Also, checkout her spotlight edition featuring images shot by K Wall of allamericandimes.com https://wizsdailydose.com/2013/04/model-samareua-aka-_mssammie-shoots-with-kwallmusic-aadimes-exclusive-edits/

14, Apr 2013
Model Samareua aka @_mssammie shoots with @KwallMusic @aadimes (Exclusive Edits)

Presenting a nice newcomer by the name of Samareua better known as Ms Sammie and checkout exclusive edits as she collabs with Kwall of allamericandimes.com Model: Ms. Sammie @_mssammie Photographer: The Wall St. Brand @kwallmusic Get familiar with Model Sammie below: Samareua or known by most as Sammie is from…