8, Mar 2014
Tiara Kristine @Tiara_Kristine shoots with Petey Wheatstraw @WHEATSTRAWPETEY (BTS Photoshoot by @TonyandMax )

Checkout behind the scenes video footage of Tiara Kristine the legend! shooting with Petey Wheatstraw Photography. Video footage courtesy of Tony Swann Tiara Kristine from Tony and Max – Video Creation on Vimeo. Follow Tiara via @Tiara_Kristine also find her on instagram @tiarakristine

15, Feb 2014
Brittany Ramos @HoNeyDIp_BriTt featured in @StackModelsInc Magazine @WHEATSTRAWPETEY Petey Wheatstraw

Cover model Brittany Ramos is gracing the pages of Stack Models Magazine “All White Edition” available now! with Brittany on the cover with Mileena Hayes. Brittany awesome spread was shot by photographer Petey Wheatstraw. Peep the sample below. Follow Brittany Ramos via twitter @HoNeyDIp_BriTt and check her out on instagram…