7, Sep 2017
It’s Victoria @queenvictoria___ implied images by @leondash 

Model: @queenvictoria___ Hair : Vanessa  MUA: @ginanicole_monroe  photographer: @leondash  #followher

26, May 2017
Serpentine Shapes with @queenvictoria___ shot by @leondash

Checkout another one of my favs @queenvictoria___ with another dope collab shot by @leondash 

10, May 2017
Shot by @leondash Shoots and Ladders with @queenvictoria___

Checkout model Queen Victoria oiled up with no bottoms shot by Leon Dash Model @queenvictoria___ Photographer: @leondash Mua: @manny_cazal #hairbyvanessa

15, Jun 2016
Queen Victoria @queenvictoria___ my Calvins series images by @nando_pro

Courtesy of @nando_pro as part of the my Calvins series beauty Queen Victoria in all black follow her on instagram @queenvictoria___