1, Sep 2023
TITANIUM GIRLZ MAG SNEEK PEAK ISSUE 4 featuring Casci Sade, Newcomer Elle B and more….

TITANIUMGIRLZ MAGAZINETHE NIA RILEY & CASCI SADE (ISSUE 4)ON IT WAY!MONDAY MAY 17th 201023 GIRLZ.170 PAGES OF HOTNESS!NATURALLY-SINFULLY-SEXYfeatured in this IssueNia Riley, Casci Sade, Suni,Introducing ELLE BE & U.K Model Morgan Dee,Introducing Syreeta ShaNee,Rita G, Nina Santiago, The Marcos, Sexy Sasha, Faim Evette, Raven,Kitty Kennedy & new Introducing FEEVA, Ettolia…

3, Oct 2010
Gorgeous Magazine Launch Party @ Club Amnesia(NYC)

the Wiz’s Daily dose and team wiz hit the field yet again and this time we had the opportunity of partying it up with the Gorgeous Magazine crew and the stunning models featured in the magazine, past present and future @ Club Amnesia(NYC)!! I was definitely working the camera that…