4, Jan 2015
Sade & Renay aka @Castillotwins – lingerie shoot with @kemwestphoto

Here’s the latest from Sade Maria and Renay aka Castillo twins shooting with Kem West Photo. Follow them on twitter @castillotwins and you can find them both on instagram @officialsadem and @renaymodelchic

7, May 2014
Introducing Sade and Renay @Castillotwins “The Castillo Twins” presented by @qsflavas images by @KemWestPhoto

Q’s Flavas Model Management presents Sade and Renay Known as the Castillo Twins. These ladies are from Los Angles and are new to the Model scene. They have already landed a cover on JLP Magazine in Late 2013. They have multiple features coming up. These ladies are sweet and hard…