29, Apr 2015
Stephanie Monique @StephanieCaicedo_ featured in Show Magazine issue #28

STEPHANIE MONIQUE PHOTOS BY: Sean Cummings, @SHOWMagazine_ GRAPHIC DESIGN: @cmkdesigns HAIR STYLIST: Al Ingram, @AlSexyHair MAKEUP ARTIST: Angela January, @Angela_January BOOKING INFO:: @StephanieCaicedo_ Visit: www.SHOWGirlzExclusive.com for exclusive images and video from this issue. Youve seen me first in SHOW Magazines Black Lingerie #19! Before SHOW however, I have had the…

26, Mar 2013
@SSH_Photography presents Stephanie Monique @StephanieNique for @TGZGirlz TitaniumGirlz Mag

SSH done did it again folks and sent over another bangin one. Checkout exclusive video footage of model Stephanie Monique (Dope chick from the DMV) shooting with SSH Photography for Titanium Girlz Magazine.. Enjoy!! Follow her via twitter @StephanieNique and checkout her website www.stephaniemonique.com