21, Oct 2012
The One and Only Suleika aka @SweetSuleika featured in Smooth Magazine

Scans courtesy of the good brothers over @cutiecentral.com Checkout one of my favs Suleika and she is featured in Smooth Magazine; images shot by Scott Herbert. The stunning face and bangin curves are on display in this 8 page spread on newsstands now folks!! Enjoy and you can follow Suleika…

29, Dec 2011
Suleika featured in Blackmen Magazine coutesy of Visual Cocktail

http://dynastyseries.com/2011/12/suleika-in-the-latest-issue-of-blackmen-courtesy-of-visual-cocktail/ As seen in the Blackmen Magazine the Reality Issue checkout one my favs Suleika featured in the latest issue. High Quality Images shot by Visual cocktail. Credits to dynastyseries.com for hosting the images first. See more below. Follow Suleika via twitter.com @SweetSuleika

1, Nov 2011
The Incredible Suleika courtesy of summerbunnies.com 2011

Checkout the latest images of the incredible Suleika courtesy of summerbunnies.com She is back and looking seductive as usual.. Definitely a fan…  Follow her on twitter.com @sweetsuleika