Tehmeena Afzal covers VBlazin(Holiday Issue)
This is Tehmeena Second cover feature with VBlazin magazine
This is Tehmeena Second cover feature with VBlazin magazine
Here’s some exclusive images of Tehmeena taken for Fannatic Magazine shot by photographer Al Rodriguez. Tehmeena for sending these over.. Not sure when the magazine drops or according to Tehmeena if it exist at all.. But enjoy the photos.. Credits: Photographer – Al Rodriguez – www.alrodriguezphotography.com Make up & Styling…
I’m ending of the year with my first cover and a 10 page spread for Fannatic Magazine! This issue will be released in late November. Thanks! HERE IS THE BEHIND THE SCENES FOOTAGE FROM MY SHOOT FOR FANNATIC MAGAZINE! THIS ISSUE WILL BE IN STORES LATE NOVEMBER 2010. ENJOY!…
 Checkout this exclusive video footage with Tehmeena representing the NY Football Giants, enjoy!! HERE IS THE VIDEO! ENJOY! LETS GO GIANTS!!!! 
Shoutout to Tehmeena for emailing these lovely BTS pics to us and she is definitely representing the right team with the outfit she has on.. Big Blue, Big Blue!!! I know the video will be just as hot!! See more pics below.. HERE ARE SOME BEHIND THE SCENES PICS TO…
Tehmeena is becoming a problem I must say. also spotted at dynastyseries.com
I have to get her featured here one of these days, my lawd!!