25, Mar 2011
Grafh Showing Off Again Freestyle (Roman’s Revenge) featuring Tehmeena

  Awhile Tehmeena sent over some shots from her feature in Hiphop artist Grafh Roman’s Revenge freestyle video. We now have the official video for your viewing, check it out.. MY HOMIE GRAFH FINALLY RELEASED HIS VIDEO FOR THE ROMANS REVENGE FREESTYLE FEATURING ME! HERE ARE THE LINKS AND CODES…ENJOY!

16, Mar 2011
Tehmeena’s Sexy Nissan GT-R Video is here!!

She finally released the hot video footage for you folks.. The Hot Tehmeena is looking seductive as she showcases her assets next to a Nissan GT-R… Enjoy the show. Checkout her behind the scenes images aswell…. TEHMEENA / MS. MEENA SEXY NISSAN GT-R GTR SHOOT from TEHMEENA AFZAL on Vimeo.

15, Mar 2011
Tehmeena’s New Nissan Video Behind the Scenes images

The lovely Tehmeena is back with some new behind the scenes images from her photoshoot with a $90,000 Nissan She will release the video footage once she reaching 9000 twitter followers so hit her up…twitter.com @MISSMEENA My latest video is with the most expensive car Nissan makes the GT-R! I…

20, Feb 2011
tehmeena (BTS) images with Graph’s Roman’s Revenge (Videoshoot)

(Music and Modeling) Checkout some behind the scenes images of Tehmeena featured in recording artist Graph’s latest music video “Roman’s Revenge(Freestyle). Music Video should be release soon according to Tehmeena. In the meantime enjoy the flix. See more below.. also checkout tehmeena.com