5, Jul 2011
The Kollage King presents Mehgan James

Credits to The Kollage King for putting us on to Mehgan James.. I will definitely be gathering somemore info on her but in the meantime checkout some hot samples of her. Residing out of Houston Texas, with measurements of 34D-27-37 and She’s a sexy beast!! Follow her on twitter.com @mehganjames…

2, Jul 2011
Sexy silician Cat Merrill courtesy of Doug Ochoa Photography

I spotted these images of Cat Merrill over at cutiecentral.com recently and credits to them and the kollage King for collaborating on this feature. I have to find somemore info on her but these are some sexy images much credit to Doug Ochoa.. Follow Cat on twitter.com @caitlinmerrill

17, May 2011
Dynamic collage of Stephy C courtesy of The Kollage King

http://thewizsdailydose.blogspot.com/2011/05/spotlight-edition-stephy-c-up-close-and.html Checkout the latest collage from the Kollage king for The Wiz’s Daily Dose featuring our latest spotlight showcase model Stephy C. Great work from him… Be sure to checkout Stephy C’s latest interview featured here…

10, May 2011
Dynamic Collage of Amber Priddy courtesy of The Kollage King

Checkout the works of The Kollage king now featured at The Wiz’s Daily Dose for your viewing pleasure. amber Priddy is his first featured collage her at the Spot… Follow him on twitter @thekollageking