11, Nov 2012
Behind the Scenes Clock Tower photoshoot featuring @XtinaNoel

Checkout behind the scenes video footage of of sexy latina model Xtina Noel shooting with Frank Antonio at Clock tower studios. Enjoy! Short as world but still diggin the footage Follow her via twitter @XtinaNoel

6, Jun 2012
Exclusive interview with Xtina Noel (Latest Updates 2012) images by Glamour Xposure Photography

Introduction: When had the opportunity to catch up with the lovely and sexy Xtina Noel with some exclusive images for your delight as well. Her resume has expand and now under new management; Xtina Noel progressive modeling career. Read on and checkout the latest updates from her below.. Interview: Hennywiz…

22, Feb 2012
(Warning Shot) Marianne Sylvia & Xtina Noel Pin-up image courtesy of Ice Magazine

New dynamic duo is on the rise! Checkout the homie Marianne Sylvia with Xtina Noel tearsheet from the upcoming issue of ICE Magazine dropping soon.. definitely can’t wait to see the rest! Make sure you follow Marianne Sylvia via twitter.com @mariannesylvia and Xtina Noel via twitter.com @XTINANOEL visit www.ice-mag.com for…

29, Aug 2011
Spotlight Edition: An exclusive interview with Xtina Noel "The Rican Goddess"

Introduction:Xtina is a model/actress that’s been on the radar for awhile now and her look is sexy and unique..  I was definitely excited to get the opportunity to grill her with some questions to get alittle more familiar with her.. Read on below and get acquainted with Nikki Rich Models…