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Get familiar with Gemma below..
Im Gemma, im from Bristol but travel up to London on regular occasions. I been modelling now part time for about 3 yrs and i love it!!!
Ive worked with numerous leading photographers including Kosher of Koshmo Photography, Emul-8- Us Film and Photography, Above The Peak Photography, Overlord X Photography, Simon Harvey of SJH Photography, Scott Ninness of Superstar Media and Michael Fasani of Popstar Pictures wow the list goes on……!!!
My levels that i will work to are Fashion/High Fashion, Lingerie, Swimwear, Catwalk, Implied Nude, Glamour.
My most recent work iv just done is CandyMagUK’s Fast n Furious 2012 Calendar in which im cover girl for the online downloadable version and in the hard copy twice (Feb and July).
Last year I appeared in their online mag issue 5 and also due to be in the nex issue due out soon issue 8 ‘The Fast and Furious Edition’. I’m also just signed a 3yr contract with management in which I will be also bringin out my own website with material that you can subscribe to in the members area 😉 so il keep u posted on tht!!
If you would like to book me for any shoot, videos, print, hosting etc please contact my management Kosher or Teresa at Femellestudios in London, or follow them on twitter @koshmoPhoto or TeeTee_CMUK
Shoot with JumpOffUK
USA Feature on Trill Talk Radio website and published as a TrillTalkHoney #8
Shoot with UK Choc Mag and published in issue 2
Covergirl for CandyMagUK’s Fast n Furious Calendar (digital download version) CandyMagUK Calendar 2012 in which I featured twice (Feb and July) Published in CandyMagUK issue 8 Published in CandyMagUK issue 5 Shoot with CandyMagUK 2010 MTV Base’ Kojo’s Comedy Funhouse Member 2010 Miss Flavour Finalist 2009 Shoot with Overlord X Various Web Publications including I Candy Shoot with Blitz Photography in Spain Shoot with FabPix Photography