Who is Latifa Drinks? (Show and Tell) images Lamar Parclay of Shutter Eye Photo
From: Cincinnati,OH
Stats: 36-26-42
Ethnicity: Panamanian
Representing: fleet models
She’s been published in Vixens Magazine Stacked #5
-Website features: ggurls.com Cutiecentral.com
Get familiar Latifah below:
facebook.com @LatifahDrinks
twitter.com @LatifaDrinks
I have been taking pictures for a total of 3 years and just began working with different photographers and networking. Recently I started getting contacted for features as well as music videos and this has transformed me into a Model. I do plan on expanding and becoming more experienced and noticed around the globe for the beauty of my work.
I am currently in college at Central State University majoring in Early Childhood Education. Even though I want to model I do feel that being educated and having credentials behind your name is a PLUS. With that said, I plan on finishing my degree, which will be done in three more semesters (yay me!). I am a kind hearted and driven young woman. I am very professional and prefer to work with nothing but professionals. As far as ethnicity I am Latina (Panamanian Decent).
It's good that she's pushing getting that degree, education is a powerful asset, also, nice looking young lady with a nice tight body. PEACE!!!