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Presenting Shabria aka Ms. Jai
publishing/features: blackmen magazine, dynasty series
ethnic make-up: black,white & west indian
ethnic make-up: black,white & west indian
goal: my goal for modeling would to be to conquer the world, i want people from city to city to know who ms_jai is. i dont want to blow up so quick that people know me for 5mins& then forget who i am. i want to be a brand, i want to always be in constant progression.
i want people to remember me as the girl whos easy to love, hard to forget, but always a work in progress.
Checkout her images below. all images courtesy of Linkz Photo Media
Ms. Jai appears courtesy of LJE Model Agency of LuvJonz Entertainment LLC.,
I feel her on wanting to become a "brand" & last. I think that it takes a true talent to last. PEACE!!!
she needs to work on her facial expressions