13, Oct 2013
DynastySeries NFL Game of the Week: @HeatherBianchi (Jets) vs Lady Natalie (Steelers) images by Jose Guerra

http://dynastyseries.com/dynastyseries-nfl-game-week-heather-bianchi-jets-vs-lady-natalie-steelers-jose-guerra/ Any game with the winless Pittsburge Steelers may seem like it shouldn’t qualify for Game of the Week, but since Roethlisberger has to be my started QB in Fantasy this week, I’ll actually be forced to watch the game. With the help of Jose Guerra and Crystal Leon (@MrsMakeupArtist),…

29, Sep 2013
Film Maker Chris Krook @Chris_Krook presents “Moving Portrait” featuring @Lady_Natalie_ Lady Natalie

Checkout video footage of model Lady Natalie shooting with film maker Chris Krook for his “Moving Portrait” series.. She looks lovely.. You can follow Lady Natalie via twitter @Lady_Natalie_ she’s not on it often tho and you can check her out on instagram @Lady_natalie_ Chris Krook x Lady Natalie [Moving…